Risk Assessment for Opening Church Buildings to the Public

Service Instructions

As we open St Martin’s church for public worship, for our Eucharist services, it is important to understand that things will be different. For everyone’s safety – please touch as little as possible.


* Plan to arrive between 5 and 10 minutes before the start of the service

* Sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the church building

* Maintain a 2 metre distance from other family/social groups

* If you are will to engage with NHS Track&Trace, please complete the consent form

* Sanitise your hands after signing


* You have been allocated a seat (or seats) in church

* You will be told which pew, and where on that pew, to sit

* You will be directed to enter by the most direct route to minimise the time when you may be within a 2 m distance of other members of the congregation

* Go straight to your seat, do not stop to talk to another member of the congregation

* Once seated, do not raise your voice to speak to another member of the congregation


* There will be no singing during the service

* The words of the service will be on the screen

* You may remain seated throughout the service (or stand when and if you prefer)

* We will not share the peace with other members of the congregation

* At the end of the service you will be invited to come forward for communion

* Communion will be received in one kind only

* Communion will be received standing

* The bread will be dropped carefully into your open hands

* After receiving communion, please leave the church


* The priest will use hand sanitiser prior to the start of the service, the Eucharistic prayer and prior to distribution of communion

* The priest will cover the bread being consecrated during the Eucharistic Prayer

Facilities – Toilets

* Toilets are available downstairs – they will have been cleaned prior to the service

* They will not be cleaned during the service but disinfectant is available if you want to use it

* There is no access to upstairs

Facilities that are NOT AVAILABLE

* Votive Candle

* Sunday school

* Tea & Coffee after the service


* After receiving communion, please leave by the main entrance

* The Collection plate will be on the table on your left as you leave

* Sanitise your hands as you leave the church

* Maintain a 2 m distance from other people whilst on church premises

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